Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Break Adventures

We headed to California on an airplane to visit family over spring break, and it was exactly what the title adventure. Momma toating two little ones on an airplane with carseats, diaper bags, backpacks (toys for the kiddos), and a stroller...equation for a stressed out me.

Once we arrive in Orange County, all the stress was removed and we were ready for the vacation part. We headed to Disneyland for three days. Lily was the happiest little girl in the world when she saw Minnie Mouse...need to get the pic from my mom. Garrett could have rode the Buzz Light Year ride all day. I enjoyed the churros, they are the best.

After Disney we just visited with family for the week, and got in some quality time. Such a great memory. I know daddy missed his little ones, and is so happy to have us home:)

A New Life Out West

Pismo Beach, CA

Denver, CO

Since we moved from California to Colorado in October, time has rapidly been passing by. In six months, we seen the seasons change from autum stained leaves of the Front Range to the white covered snow caps of December. Change is good, and necessary in some cases. This change has given me a chance to reflect on all areas of my life and decide where other change is needed. I've been propelled to overcome fear that has drained the opportunity for adventure and progress.

Now that the snow is melted (although I'm sure we will get a few more storms) I can see the golden fields turn to green, and feel the sharp sting of winter wind turn to soft somber breeze. Spring is a chance to dust off those winter blues and homesick slumber to rise and remember the joy that is all around. What brings you true joy? Is it the sensation of the sun filling your soul, a good novel, the the laughter of little ones playing outside? Focusing on what brings us true, simple, honest joy is what my spring is all about.

Monday, August 30, 2010

August Adventures

Well it doesn't take much for my heart strings to be touched and after hearing this song and enjoying a extra long weekend with all of my family, except Shelli and Robert which was the only downer of the weekend! Family is the single most important thing in life, period! There is nothing that can make up for them and nothing that can replace them. Love you guys! You done good again George!


Saturday, July 31, 2010

South Africa Amazes Me


Just some quick photos of my trip. I will be traveling home tomorrow and will post more pictures and a full story of my adventures here. All I can say, is it has been the most exciting and most trying time of my life. I would rank it second only to my mission! See ya'll soon!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Daddy's little helper

Saturday morning was a chore day for the Smith family. Fortunately all those times of lugging Garrett around in the kids carrier has paid off. Unfortunately, he isn't quite old enough to push the real one. LOVE YOU LITTLE MAN!


So Sarah and I rock, paper, scissored for the clean up job of Lily tonight after dinner! She decided hot dogs and hamburgers was boring and that we needed after dinner entertainment. She put the hot dog down her shirt, make-up (ketchup) on and her hat (paperplate) on her head and proceeded to entertain us. THANK YOU LILY FOR THE LAUGH!!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Being Self Reliant

Last year we had a nice little garden that wasn't much to look at, but this year I might have let my ambition take over! We have a wonderful garden with, zucchini, crook-neck and patti-pan squash, cucumbers, bell-peppers, honey-dew and seedless watermelon, Garrett's corn, 4 different types of tomatoes (6 plants), yellow baby bell-peppers, habanero and jalapeño peppers, sweet-butter lettuce, cilantro, chives and basil. WOW we are enjoying everything and are being blessed with a great harvest with allot more to come. Most importantly, Lily and Garrett really like the garden and go out every day to see if we have something new to pick, which has been a great lesson in self-reliance for them. We will keep you posted on how we finish the summer! Hope everyone is doing well!