So at the ripe old age of 4 (well almost 4, 3 years and 11 months) Dad decided to pass on a heritage that has run through my family for more then 2 centuries to me. Hunting, we made our trek into the mountains of Tehachapi to find venison. Believe it or not we were successful and I even helped get the deer out of the mountains. I have been told the quote goes "Daddy, I will just drag a leg"
Hunting in my family, is a tradition that is as rich and vibrant as the pioneers trek west. So much in fact that we (Dad, Papa and I) still make annual trips together. I think its probably 75% of the conversations we have and I even live it with my career. (Just living the dream)
Well I am not about to let this tradition and heritage go by the wayside. Garrett knows very well what Daddy does for a living and has even gone on a turkey hunt with me this past spring.
With deer season in full swing and my pursuit already started on a really good buck here in Paso, Garrett has ventured out with me once before yesterday evening. He loves to go, whats even more funny is having him spot deer, he finds allot more then I can see. HAHA
Anyway, he was asleep when I pulled the trigger but as soon as the gun went bang, he woke up and yelled, "daddy you got him!" He experienced the full hunt, from pictures to field dressing and even getting home at 11pm. He has been officially inducted into the brotherhood and he loves every minute of it!
I can't wait til he is the one shooting and I get to watch!
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